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Armenian cuisine is one of the oldest cuisines in the world. Large varieties of fruits and vegetables are available here at very reasonable cost. Fruit and vegetable cultivation are the leading sectors of Armenian agriculture. Favourable climatic zone contributes to the unique taste of world famous Armenian fruits like apricots, apples, peaches, grapes, plums, pomegranate, pear, etc. Tropical fruits are also easily available in the market. Rice, pulses, chickpeas, beans, large variety of dairy products like milk, butter, ghee, cheese and yogurt are typical for Armenian cuisine. Spices are used sparingly, primarily garlic, red and black pepper, dill, parsley, coriander, basil, tarragon, and cumin.

Medical University’s Food Services provides distinct on-campus catering services, which are also available at the University Hostel. There are 4 cafeterias in the University campus and one in the Hostel. These dining facilities are affiliated to the Medical University and operate on a non-commercial basis. This is the reason accounting for significant drop in price of meals served at these cafeterias; namely, the prices are half or a third of the market price of meals at other catering facilities in the city.

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